12800 Wayzata Blvd

Minnetonka, MN 55305

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Thanksgiving Safety Tips


This month we give thanks for our friends and family, including our furry companions. As we all join around the Thanksgiving table to fill our stomachs, we need to be sure our pets are not enjoying their own meal in the kitchen garbage or off the kitchen counters. We receive many phone calls this time of year for dogs (and cats!) that have ingested turkey bones, sticks of butter, desserts and rising dough, just to name a few.

Ingestion of bones can certainly cause a problem in our pets. It is possible that these bones can become lodged in the intestines, resulting in an intestinal obstruction — which can lead to surgery. If your pet ingests a portion of your turkey, it is important to call your veterinarian and have your pet be seen. The good news is that bones can be identified on X-rays, which can help your veter- inarian determine the severity and risk of a potential obstruction. Best-case scenario, your pet digests or passes the bones with no problem; however, it is best to consult with your veterinarian.

We often receive calls of dogs ingesting tasty treats, such as but- ter, pies and bread dough. The most common concern with inges- tion of high fatty foods, is gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines), which results in vomiting and diarrhea, or potentially pancreatitis. Both conditions often require a visit to your vet for diagnostic testing and supportive care. Occasion- ally these conditions can result in hospitalization. If your pet has gotten into your delicious meal, it is important to monitor for any vomiting, diarrhea or lack of appetite.

Ingestion of rising bread dough can be life-threatening to dogs. The animal's body heat will cause the dough to rise in the stom- ach. Ethanol is produced during the rising process, and the dough may expand several times its original size! Signs seen with bread dough ingestion are associated with ethanol toxicoses and foreign body obstruction which may include severe abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, incoordination, and depression.

Treatment in cases of recent ingestion in pets involves inducing vomiting. Additionally, administering cool water via a stomach tube or orally may halt the rising process. In some cases, dough removal may necessitate surgery. 

Our pets deserve to enjoy a tasty treat during the thanksgiving celebration, and there are many pet-friendly options to provide that you can get through recommendations by your veterinarian or your local pet store! 

Happy Thanksgiving!